Salary Cap Fantasy CricketESPNCricinfo / IPL-T20 Type Traditional Fantasy Cricket
(Team Under Salary Restriction)

Free Unlimited League Total Prize : Win Skill
Accumulate Highest Points at the end of the Tournament
R Manager Points Prize
Dave Norris Dave Norris 7041
Nish BRZ Nish BRZ 6364
Kei Muzie Kei Muzie 5617.5
Chaitanya Gogate Chaitanya Gogat 4516.5
Dorizuki Dorizuki 3805
Sunil K Sunil K 3550
Baxter Baxter 3329
Dinu Dinu 2483.5
Rudra Trivedi Rudra Trivedi 1935.5
Darshil Shah Darshil Shah 1502.5
AA AA 1028
Paid Unlimited League Total Prize : Rs 32000
Accumulate Highest Points at the end of the Tournament
R Manager Points Prize
GK Challengers GK Challengers 8139.5 Rs200
Wonderkidz Wonderkidz 5620.5 Rs200